What fresh foods can you actually can?

All fruits
If prepared responsibly, all foods can be properly canned by the book

Pretty much all vegetables
Most fresh vegetables can be canned, with a few small exceptions

All kinds of sauces
Prepare your favorite sauces, then can them for later uses while still fresh

Most meats
Most meats can be canned and processed, yet procedures differ

Latest recipes
To lots of people, canning is an industrial activity. Most people are not aware that they can can fresh foods themselves. There are a few rules and procedures to follow, but it can be done. Once canned, foods can be enjoyed at a later stage, while still maintaining their freshness. It is a more cost efficient way to enjoy fresh foods even when they are out of season – especially fruits and vegetables.
There are also plenty of recipes that involve canned foods. While still fresh, canned foods may not always taste like the fresh alternative. They can be used for pretty much any recipe – just like fresh foods. However, if you truly care about the taste, you should know that professional chefs rely on canned foods for particular recipes only. In other words, we will teach you how to can your favorite foods, but we will also give you some handy recipes to try.

Tips and tricks
- Not all foods can be canned and even if they can, they taste differently
- Each type of food comes with specific canning rules
- Patience is a must
Who We Are
Canning USA has been established as a solution to those who find it impossible to can fresh foods.
Our main goal is to teach you how to can foods just like professional facilities and factories. Once you get it covered, you will most likely save money, but you will also prepare tastier recipes with no chemicals. We also provide a plethora of recipes.
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